Month: March 2008

  • Quadrophenia

    Didn’t make the 10 mile weekend run, in my defense my quads were killing me… I can’t understand it; I thought I had stretched enough after the 4 mile run on Friday morning. Oh well, next on the list is a 3 mile lunchtime run tomorrow from the office.

  • …yawn…

    After a lengthy absence I’m back on track. An early start this morning, up at 6am and out by 6.30. Managed a little over 7 miles in 1.09, a respectable pace. Short 4 mile run tomorrow morning and a long 10 mile run planned for the weekend.

  • goo goo g’joob…

    I’m Just back from another trip to the US and I’m sorry to say that I managed only 1 run during my week over there, consequently I’m feeling very unfit… The flight over was pretty uneventful, there were plenty of empty seats and critically the one next to me was empty giving me that all…

  • Cock-A-Doodle-OH MY GOD, what and I Doing!!

    I just couldn’t stay awake last night and finally gave in at 9pm. Had a great sleep and woke up at 4am this morning and decided to get up and get out for a run. I had planned on a 5 mile run (as per schedule) but felt good at 2.5 miles so I kept…