16 miles to hell… and back…

It was a bad start, neither one of us was in the mood to run any distance don’t mind the longest run on the Cork schedule so far but we got on with it and drove to the Curragh to run the entire distance on grass.

The first 10 miles were fine but I started to get really tired from 11 miles. 12 to 13 miles were a little better but after that it was a struggle all the way to the finish. It felt like my legs had been replaced by lead weights, every stride took so much effort and I could feel my heels dragging on the ground with every step.

When we got back to the car my Garmin had registered only 15.8 miles so I insisted we carry on past the car to make up the missing distance. Passing the car was heartbreaking, it represented an end to this suffering, with soft comfy seats out of the wind and rain… OK, it wasn’t actually raining but the was definitely a cloud following me around…

We ran a total of 16.01 miles in 2 hours 46 minutes, that a pretty slow pace of 10:25 which is fine for a long (slow) run.

Here’s a link to the route: http://connect.garmin.com/activity/3534759.



