2011 Barcelona Marathon… bare legs and running shoes

In keeping with the old saying “the lesson of history is never learnt” during the last 3 months I skillfully pushed back, dropped and ignored huge chunks of my training schedule for this marathon. This was going to be the one to break 4 hours but the combination of Christmas and winter were working against me.  Some might say it was my own fault but I don’t talk to those people anymore. Preparation and training was poor to say the very least. I missed all my long runs with the exception of the most important 20 miler. I missed most of my midweek shorter runs too and I knew I was in for a hard race.

I had planned on running with some others from Ireland and Belgium but as time went on they all dropped out through injury and other issues but being the tight fisted git that I am and having booked the flights and hotel I was going regardless. Luckily Barcelona is one of my favourite cities, and Spain is one of my favourite countries… I was looking forward to getting back there and exploring those bits of the city that I hadn’t managed to get to before.

I flew in very early the day before, getting in for breakfast. Once checked in I headed to the expo to collect my number, timing chip, t-shirt and whatever else they wanted to give me. I spent the rest of that afternoon pottering before a traditional pasta dinner that night before retiring early. The very last thing I did that night was panic… there was no way I could start…  I simply hadn’t trained enough… or at all… how insane was this? I called my best friend… she calmed me down and convinced me that I had to start, there was no question about that. She also  suggested that I carry enough cab fare just in case I do get into trouble but the bottom line was it’ll be OK. I slept well that night.

The next morning I was up very early and one of the first down for breakfast. Guests in running gear trickled in as I ate as healthily as possible.  The hotel was within easy walking distance to the start and finish,  and proved to be popular among marathoners, when I left the entire breakfast room was full of bare legs and running shoes.

I joined a group of English runners for the walk to the start. We talked about the challenges of training through the winter, of course I lied and agreed that while  it was hard to get out to run it had to be done… gotta stick to the plan!

With my luggage checked in and joined the ever growing line of runners behind the start line. I knew I wouldn’t finish in any less than 4.30 and to my horror the slowest category was 4.30 and higher.  Surrounded by pensioners, potential medical emergencies and comedy moments waiting to happen I mingled until the starting gun sounded the beginning of a great run through a great city.

I love races in Europe, they do food so well! In Ireland and the UK races are well supplied with water and gels, just what you need to get around the course. In Europe they feed you! Each water station had a variety of food options; fruit, nuts, biscuits, chocolate… wonderful!

The weather was perfect as we started; the sun had just risen, it was dry and the temperature was cool. I started slow and steady, keeping to my 10 minute mile pace as closely as possible. The route was amazing. We passed so many of the city’s best sights and the support was terrific. I really enjoyed the run and passed the 20 mile mark without any issues, my cab money was safe!

The last six miles got progressively harder but I was within reach and knew I could do it. I had last nights words of advice running through my head, they were pulling me to the finish line. When I made it across I was so happy with my 4:45 time, that’s a pace of 10:51, not too far from my planned 10 minute mile pace.  According to my Garmin I burned 3943 calories but I guarantee I inhaled that amount and more at the frequent food, er… water stations.

My first Marathon of 2011 in the bag! Next is Luxembourg in June and this time I will stick to the plan and YES, I will beat 4 hours!!!

Finally, the view that greets you after  crossing the finish line:




